Dr.-Ing. für Kernenergieanlagen Juri Tsoglin,
seit 2003 bis zum 01.01.2023 –
Vorsitzender von der KIW-Gesellschaft e.V.
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data
1 Family Name: Dr.-Eng. Tsoglin
2 First Name(s): Juri
3 Date of birth: 17.12.1936
4 Nationality: Germany
5 Civil Status: Married
6 Education
Institution: St.-Petersburg Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences
Date: May 1975
Degree obtained: Doctor of Nuclear Power Engineering
Institution: Kiev Technical University «Polytechnic Institute»
Date: from 09.1954 to 06.1959
Diploma obtained: Dipl.- Eng. of Thermal Power Engineering
7 Language Skills (Mark 1 to 5 for competence)
Language |
Reading |
Speaking |
Writing |
Russian |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Ukrainian |
1 |
1 |
1 |
German |
2 |
2 |
2 |
English |
4 |
5 |
3 |
8 Membership of Professional Bodies: Member of Ukrainian Nuclear Society
9 Other Skills: EDP, Windows HP, Word 2003, EXCEL, PowerPoint, Photo Shop
10 Present position: President, Leader of Sciences
11 Years within the Firm: 13 years in the Society of Sciences & Engineering, Dresden
12 Key Qualifications: Reactor Physics & Engineering, Nuclear Safety,
Radiation Protection, Project Management
13 Specific Eastern Countries Experience:
Country |
Dates: from (month/year) to (month/year |
Soviet Union |
from 09/1959 to 12/1991 |
Ukraine |
from 12/1991 to 11/1995 |
Germany |
from 11/1995 up to present |
14 Professional Experience
Date: from 2003 up to present
Location: Dresden, Germany
Company: Society of Sciences & Engineering, Dresden
Position: President of Society
Description: Expert-Consultant of NPP Safety, Reactor Engineering, In-Core Monitoring, “Shelter” Object, Waste Management, Project Management, etc.
Date: from 05.1999 to 17.12.2001
Location: Dresden, Germany
Company: Umwelt-und Ingenieurtechnik GmbH Dresden (Environment Engineering & Techniques Ltd. Dresden, belonging to JA–Group, USA)
Position: Project Engineer
Description: International Expert for Chernobyl Unit-4 Project – Shelter Implementation Plan (SIP) Package D, Tasks 14, 20 – Fuel Containing Materials Characterisation, Fuel Containing Materials Removal
Date: from 01.11.1996 to 30.04.1999
Location: Dresden, Germany
Company: Technical University Dresden, Department of Nuclear Power Plants
Position: Expert of NPP – Safety, Environment & Radiation Protection
From: 11.1995 to 01.11.1996 – Umsiedlungsmodalitäte
Date: from 05.1988 to 11.1995
Location: Kiev, Ukraine
Company: Institute of Nuclear Research of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
Position: Head of the Scientific Department of NPP Safety (elected based on competition)
Description: In 1988 I developed basic ideology and concept for the research on the problem "Nuclear accident prevention by remote monitoring and diagnostics of physical processes in reactors of NPP of the Ukraine." Since then and up to November 1995 I carried out leadership of works concerning this problem.
In 1991 the idea of this program had been presented in Research Centre Rossendorf (RCR, Germany), that resulted in the joint project supported by the Ministry of Environment of Germany "Remote Monitoring System for the 5th Unit of NPP Zaporozhe"
The all-Ukrainian project "Accident Prediction and Prevention System for Ukrainian NPPs" (started in 1993) became the culmination of works concerning remote monitoring of NPPs.
Basic ideas and solutions of the project had been widely discussed and approved by experts from Russia, Germany, Switzerland, France and the USA.
Development of the system was going on successfully and in 1995 the full scale model of the system was installed on the 3d unit of South-Ukrainian NPP.
The results were reported:
- at the International Nuclear Congress "Atoms for Energy on Nuclear Energetic" ENC`94 (Lion, France, October 1994)
- at the International Congress of Reactor Diagnostics SMORN-VII (Avignon, France, June 1995)
- at the International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment, Methodology & Applications-PSA`95 (Seoul, Korea, November 26-30, 1995)
Date: from 05.1976 to 05.1988
Location: Kiev, Ukraine
Company: Institute of Nuclear Research of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
Position: Head of the Department of Design for Development of In-Core Monitoring Methods & Instruments
Description: Leadership in the scientific programme of development of in-core monitoring system for the research and power reactors. There were designed and constructed (implemented) in-core monitoring systems for different types of research reactors:
- for swimming-pool reactor (WWR-M type, IRT-type, etc.)
- for high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR-type)
- for modelling a thermionic fast reactor-converter.
The in-core monitoring system ”SEVAN” for the pressurized water power reactors (WWER-440 type) was implemented on the Unit-2 of the Armenian NPP at the beginning of 1986. Basis of this system was guided by a new physical ideology of in-core monitoring and a new type of in-core detectors.
From May 1986 I became one of the participants and leaders during elimination of the Chernobyl accident consequences. I carried out leadership in diagnostic processes of the damaged reactor conditions, working out measurement methods and mounting of the first instruments (for n-and gamma-ray, temperature and heat flux) under the collapsed reactor bedplate.
The results have been reported on the IAEA Experts meeting in Vienna, August 1986.
Based on these results diagnostics and safety monitoring system was designed for damaged 4th Unit (the well-known system "SHATJOR" (August 1986 - March 1987). The results of the Chernobyl work were been reported:
- at the scientific seminar of the Research Centre Rossendorf (Dresden, Germany twice, 1989, 1991)
- at the International Symposium on Materials and Processes - Mattech`91 (Helsinki, Finland, May 1991)
- at the Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology`94 (Stuttgart, Germany, May 1994).
Date: from 03.1964 to 05.1976
Location: Kiev, Ukraine
Company: Institute of Nuclear Research of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
Position: Research Assistant for the research reactor VVR-M 10 MW
Description: In-core research of adsorbed dose (in-core dosimetry) and radiation protection, monitoring of the radiation energy release.
Development of original in-core detector for monitoring of radiation energy release.
Development of methods of the adequate neutron exposure analysis during in-core investigation of the radiation damage stability of constructional materials.
40 articles published, 4 Inventor’s Certificates, 1 patent (France).
Date: from 09.1959 to 03.1964
Location: Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan
Company: Direction of construction site of the TPP
Position: Senior Engineer
Description Engineering of supervision for construction and mounting
15 Others: In November 1993 (up to November 1995) I was appointed a Member of IAEA International Work Group on Instrumentation & Control of NPPs.
16 List of my Latest Important Publications:
/1/ Yu. Tsoglin et. al., "Calorimetric Probe for the Energy Release Monitoring Channels in NPP Vessel Power Reactors", Preprint KINR-89-20 of Institute of Nuclear Research of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, 1989
/2/ Yu. Tsoglin, "Basic Concepts of NPP`s Safety Maintenance" Publication of "KNOWLEDGE" Society of the Ukraine, Kiev, 1990
/3/ Yu. Tsoglin et. al., "Investigation of Space-Dependence of Reactivity Coefficients for Reactor WWER-1000 Type by means of In-Core Detectors", Preprint KINR-91-35, Kiev, 1991
/4/ Yu. Tsoglin, V. Borissenko, A. Mikhailussov, "Analysis of Failures in Operation of one of the Power Units of WWER-1000 Type at the Ukrainian NPPs", Report INR National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, 1993, p.65.
/5/ Yu. Tsoglin, ”Standard Diagnostics System in the Collapsed Reactor of the Chernobyl NPP,” Report of Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology`94, Published by ”INFORUM GmbH” Bonn, Germany, 1994
/6/ Yu. Tsoglin et. al., ”Early Emergency Prognosis and Response Centres,” atomwirtschaft-atomtechnik 12, pp. 842-844, December 1994
/7/ Yu. Tsoglin, V. Borissenko, I. Klimenko, ”Ukraine Early Warning: On-Line Diagnostics and Computer Networks for Monitoring, Accident Prevention and Response”, Nuclear Engineering, Vol. 40, Nr.490, pp. 31-33, May 1995
/8/ V. Borissenko, Yu. Tsoglin et. al.,”New System for Adequate Reactivity Monitoring of WWER-1000 Reactors” Report of SMORN - VII, Avignon, France, June 1995
/9/ A. Mikhailussov, Yu. Tsoglin,”Method of Accident Evolution Analysis Considering Modelling of the Personnel Activities Together with Behaviours and Errors,” Report of PSA`95 pp.103-106, Seoul, Korea, 1995
/10/ D. Seeliger, Yu.Tsoglin “Chernobyl NPP – Unit 4, Fuel Containing Materials (FCM) Removal and Associated Waste Management. "Wet" Technology for FCM Removal from Industrial Site of the Shelter Object” Report T20R5, Appl.1.2 Nr.SIP-EBPD-R-0064, 15.04.2000
/11/ D. Seeliger, Yu.Tsoglin “Chernobyl NPP – Unit 4, Fuel Containing Materials (FCM) Removal and Associated Waste Management. "Wet" (Leaching) Technology for FCM Retrieval from Reactor below Levels of the Shelter Object” Report T20R5/R6, Appl. 4.2, Nr.SIP-EBPD-R-0067, 28.07.2000
/12/ H. Kalka, V. Sinitsyn, Yu. Tsoglin, “Chernobyl NPP – Unit 4, Fuel Containing Materials Characterisation, Models Evaluation and Prediction. Part II, Mass transport and Chemical Interaction of FCM in Shelter Object” Report T14D23, Part 2, Nr. SIP-EBPD-R-90, 21.09.2000
/13/ D. Seeliger, Yu. Tsoglin, “Chernobyl NPP – Unit 4, Fuel Containing Materials (FCM) Removal Technology. Demonstration Experiments Plants”. Part II, FCM Leaching and Radioactive Waste Amount Reduction Demonstration Experiment” Report T20R7/R8, Part 2, Nr.SIP-EBPD-R-0097, 21.11.2000
/14/ Yu. Tsoglin, "Development possibility of In-Core Monitoring System for Reactors WWER-Type Based on the Alternative Physical Energy-Release Monitoring Ideology," Mag. of Work of Science from Sevastopol University of Nuclear Energy and Industry, Volume 1(37) p.73, 2011, Sevastopol, Ukraine
/15/Yu. Tsoglin and V. Shevel, "Highly Efficient Production of 99Мо Using a Non-Fission Technology" Summary of ANS-Meeting 2012, EEE Transactions V. 107, p. 87, Feb.2013, San Diego, California
/16/ Yu. Tsoglin and A. Blanovsky, "Development of Reliable In-Core Power Monitoring System" Summary of ANS- Meeting 2012, EEE Transactions V. 107. p. 884, Feb.2013, San Diego, California
/17/ Ju. Tsoglin "Possible Solutions for Improving Operational Safety of NPP" Summary of Report of International Conference on “Operational Safety” IAEA-CN-227, Vienna, 23-26 June 2015
[18] V.Kartsovnik, Y.Tsoglin et all. "Calculation of the viscosity of Polymer melts based on measurements of the recovered rubber-like Deformation", J. Macromol. Sci. Part B: Physics, v.55, 2016
[19] Ju. Tsoglin, V.Kartsovnik "Zur Festigkeitskontrolle desPWR-ruck-Behälters bei der Long-Team-Operation (LTO)" Report of Internationale Conference on NPP-Safety, October 2017, Sevastopol, Ukraine
[20] Ju. Tsoglin «Remote Monitoring as a fundamental Prínciple of NPP Safety» Report of International Sciences Conference on NPP`s Problem, September, 2017, Sevastopol
In all I own approx. 134 articles published, 12 Inventor’s Certificates, 1 patent (France).